Hi! My name is Ulelu Israel, I am a software designer and developer, community builder and tech advocate.
I’ve always being tech inclined since I can remember. Growing up, I was always fascinated with technology, mostly Hardware electronics and computers, dismantling for parts like the bulbs and motors, sometimes rearranging. Yeah, its a cliche. I know😁.
It wasn’t until some years back that I got into the software aspect of Technology. Back then, and I had friends who were into the software aspect of Technology and whenever they talked about it, it was like a whole black box to me and I’ve never been one to feel comfortable when there was something I didn’t have any idea about so I started my research into software engineering. A very poor research by the way because at the end of my research, I didn’t fully understand the basics of what I was getting into. I was just in a mad frenzy to become a software engineer. First, I jumped into Java programming language which I learnt for a while and then dumped it and started with HTML. I finished with HTML and moved on to CSS, finished with that and started JavaScript. It was like Chinese to me, so after a while I just said “Omo, I can’t kill myself o😂”.
I’ve done a couple of other things after that, learnt a few other programming languages and technologies.
Which I will write ‘detailedly’ about in a future article or podcast which I will title “My journey so far”
But now I have a plan which I have been following for about a year now and Learnable’20 is an important part of that plan. Learnable is an internship program offered by Genesys, a tech hub located in Enugu, Nigeria. I heard about the Genesys internship program sometime last year through one of the tech communities in my school. I didn’t apply that year but when it opened up this year, I immediately signed up for it. I can say I was part of the earliest applicants. I was so elated when I got the acceptance mail because I wasn’t sure it was still going to take place due to the uncertainties around the Covid-19 outbreak, but here I am, an intern with Genesys tech hub — Learnable’20, ready to take on the next lap of my tech journey.
I look forward to writing that article filled with all the amazing stories of my ups and downs in the tech ecosystem. Till then, cheers.